Therapy that is provided is based on the child’s individual needs
The following areas are included:
- Visual perceptual skills related to scholastic work
- Sensory processing
- Fine and gross motor skills
- Functional aspects
Therapy that is provided is based on the child’s individual needs
The following areas are included:
- Pragmatics and Social communication and interaction
- Language and related cognitive skills
- Attention and listening
- Auditory perception and processing
- Literacy
- Helps to improve language fluency
- Improves reading comprehension
- Expands vocabulary
- Increases reading speed
- Learners progress at their own pace
- Learners may practice material until they understand it on the level they are at.
Develop and teach skills in:
- Analytical, critical, practical and creative thinking
- Children learn how to solve real-life problems through engaging projects such as building their own robots.
PHYZZED SPORT (Gross motor program)
- Develops sport and gross motor skills while enjoying the fun and challenges of the activities.
- Committed to improve co-ordination and confidence.
JUNIOR JIVE (Music and movement program)
An Educationally based music program to learn in a fun and relaxed environment
- Playing percussion instruments
- Listening activities
- Courtesy
- Co-operation and respect
EDUBLOX (Reading, mathematics and learning services)
- Provide underlying building blocks
- Educational interventions in:
Cognitive training, Reading, Spelling, Comprehension and Mathematics
CLEVER COMPU-KIDS (Additional Computer classes)
- Language development
- Mathematics development
- Logic and reasoning
- Visual memory and visual sequence
- Computer literacy
- Task orientation
- Emotional development
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is your centre situated?
21 Weavind Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion
What curriculum do you follow?
CAPS- aligned curriculum
Will my child be able to go back to mainstream school when challenges are overcome?
Yes, when most of the major challenges are overcome. Normally our learners will go back to smaller independent mainstream schools
What is the maximum learners you accommodate per class?
12 (Twelve)
What about High School? Are you planning to expand and offer the High School curriculum?
Unfortunately not at this stage. We do, however, make every effort to build confidence, belief, and trust, working as a team. The child, parents and staff work closely together to prepare our learners for high school. When they leave us at the end of their grade 7 year, our children should feel comfortable and equipped to take the next step, building their future.
What is your fee structure?
Two packages are available according to your child’s grade and needs.
Are your teachers qualified?
Yes, qualified, passionate and dedicated to make a difference in your child’s life.
Do you have other support staff?
Educational Support Facilitator
Teacher assistants
What individual needs do you cater for?
Autism, ADHD, ADD, Remedial, social and emotional challenges.
Do you support learners one-on-one?
Yes, it is our mission to give individual attention and support.
Do you provide extra classes after hours?
Mathematics, English and Afrikaans
What extramural activities do you provide?
Gross motor program (PhyzzEd Sport), Robotics, Visits to the library to advance a love of reading, Music and Movement (Junior Jive), and additional program for computer skills
Do you provide therapies?
Speech therapy, Occupational therapy, additional computerized reading program and Edublox
Do you have an Educational Psychologist on the premises?
No, but we have a few on call.
What are your hours per day?
7h30 to 15h00 Mondays to Thursdays
7h30 to 14h00 on Fridays
Do you have aftercare?
No, but should we have enough interest and need, this is possible.